How to Use Google Analytics

Hy friends, welcome to Today am going to share how to use Google Analytics. First of all you must know that what actually google analytics is?
Google analytics is a good platform to track the views of your website. Using google analytics you can analyze your unique views, bounce rate, returning visitors. A good thing about google analytics is that you can also have a check on that where from your visitors are coming. Yes! you can check country based views, city based and views and system based views. What is system based views? System bbased views stand for views from unique machine i.e rather your users use windows, mac, android, symboins or what.

All for good let's take a start.

To create a google analytics account you must have a gmail account. If you don't have one you can create one. It's absolutely free. Go to "Google Analytics Website".
Click sign-in in the top right corner and select google analytics. (First option)
On the next page click signup.

A new page will appear which will look like that:

In the account name field fill your name.
In the website name field write name of your website.
In website URL field type URL of your website. If you have SSL certifiacte than select https:// otherwise select http://.
In the category field select category of your website. "e.g Eductaion or entertainment"
Check all the boxes and click Get tracking ID.

In case of blogger you can use code which looks like "UA-12345678-9". Copy your code and paste it in Dashboard >  Settings > Others > Google Analytics.

In case of some wordpress based blogs/websites you can use this code but for most blogs/websites you have to use script. Copy that script from your analytics account and paste it in associated field. In most pre-designed templates that are available on themeforest and templatemonster you have to paste this script in Appearence > Theme Options > Other Scripts or Google Analytics or Tracking Script etc.

In case of html, php, js based websites you have to paste this code in homepage or anyother specific page you want to track.

How to get this type of code UA-12345678-9 ?
1. Go to google analytics dashboard.
2. Select admin from top menu and in account section select account you want to get code of (If you have more than 1 accounts otherwise follow the next step)
3.In the properties section click Tracking Info > Tracking Code here you will find both your script and code.

Congratulations you have successfully setup your analytics account. Cheers !

Usefull links:

Create Your Own Blog | Lesson 1
Create Your Own Blog | Lesson 2 

Tags/FAQ: (This post is the solution for following questions:)
How to signup for google analytics ?
How to create google analytics account?
How to track website views ?
How to track visitors?
How to check website popularity in a area ?
How to get google analytics code ?
What is Google Analytics ?

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