How to break Mac Filter of Wifi Networks - VidzToday

Today we will discuss about Mac Filter .What is mac filter ? Mac Filter on a Wifi Network is a filter which works due to different Mac Address .As we know that every Wifi device has a certain Mac which is different for every device .In Mac filter Some certain Mac Address are allowed to connect to the Wifi .You can not get access to the Wifi until your Mac Address is allowed .So now the next question is how to break this filter .The answer is so simple that you can break the Mac Filter if you can hack the Mac Addresses which is allowed by the Admin on the Wifi Network .

In today tutorial we shall teach to you that how you can get the Mac Addresses of the Devices which are connected to the Wifi .So following are the things which you must have to break the Mac Filter .

Tools For Breaking Mac Filter :-

  • Kali Linux | Black Track ( Installed on Operating System ) .

Method of Breaking Mac Filter :-

  1. First of all you have to install The Kali Linux or Back Track r 3 5  .If you have not installed then install it .If you have any problem then mention your problem in the comments.

  2. Now you have to start the Kali Linux or Back Track r 3 5 .
  3. After starting you must sure that you wifi device is properly working with the Kali Linux or Back Track r 3 5 .

  4. Now you have to open the terminal .
  5. Then Type ( airmon-ng )

  6. Keep in mind that you have to type without brackets.
  7. Now you will you wlans .
  8. Now you have to type ( airmon-ng start wlan0 ).

  9. Then This Command will enable the mon mode on your device .
  10. Now type this command ( airodump-ng mon0 ).
  11. This command will shows the list of all wifi networks .

  12. Now you have to select the Target Wifi .
  13. Copy the all information of this network.
  14. Now paste this in a document.
  15. Then open a new one terminal .
  16. And Type This Command ( airodump-ng --bssid (macaddress) -c ( channels number ) mon0 ) 


  17. Now you will get the mac addresses of the Wifi Devices which are connected to the Wifi Network !

  18. Now just change your Mac and Have a Fun :) !

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