How to get unlimited traffic on the Website !

Today I will teach you that how you can get a lot of traffics on your website.Today if you have a site then you have to work hard to get traffic . First of all you have to make original content you have to share this content.But this is very tough work because every one wants the short to do his work.Today I will tell to you a shortcut that how you can increase the traffic of your website daily.

Just follow the steps given below :

  • There are many ways to get traffic on the websites.Such as we can get a lot of traffic from traffic exchanging .
  • But all the sites do not work .There are few of working websites.But the disadvantage of using these is that our website undergoes spam.
  • Today I will also tell to you a website which also falls in the category of these websites but its a little unique.
  • The website name is 10Khit Exchange .Just search in the google 10khit and you will find the website at the top of the results.
  • Now the next thing is to open the website.
  • You must have an account on this website to use the features of this website.
  • So register on the website.
  • After activating your account you have to log in to your account.
  • After logging in you will see the dashboard of the website.
  • Here you have to earn the points  which you will use to increase your traffic.
  • For the points you have to visit the websites of the other people .So you can autosurf means the website will work automatically and you will get coins with the time.
  • From here you can download the software of 10k hits which you can use to surf means you can use it to earn points also.
  • Moreover you can use the same id in two different browsers (e.g Google Chrome || Opera || Mozilla Firefox ) which have the same ip.The ip does not matter in this case.You will earn double points if you surf double from the two different browsers .
  • Now next thing is to add your own website to generate traffic on your website.
  • For this purpose click on the My sites in the side bar.
  • Now you have to add a link of your website for which you want to increase the visitors.
  • After adding the website you have to enter the points which you want to surf on your website or link.
  • Now it will ask to you for the click limits. It means the limit of the visitors.
  • And then it will ask to you the source .The source means the origin form what visitors come to your link or website.
  • You can select any source but its an premium feature you have to but it before you use it so you can use it only when you have brought this.
  • And at last you have to click on the button of ADD .
  • That's all it will automatically surf your website.
  • Ofcourse it will take the time but usually with  in the 1 or 2 hour it can increase your visitors upto 1000 ot more.

  • So share the tutorial with your friends if you like this.
  • Visit our website for more tricks and trips .
  • Stay Tuned ; Stay Active With VidzToday.
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